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Dodson Plumbing offers a range of plumbing, sewer repair, and drain services to keep your plumbing system in prime condition for the long term. We use the industry’s latest and most advanced equipment to provide lasting results. To ensure the health of your system or pinpoint the cause of any issues, reach out to Dodson Plumbing, the most versatile plumbing company in the industry. We are open 24/7
Mon - Sun: Open 24 Hours
Areas we serve:
Sherman, TX
Gordonville, TX
Denison, TX
Pottsboro, TX
Whitesboro, TX
Whitewright, TX
DFW Metroplex, TX
Scott Sanford
Dodson Plumbing did a great job diagnosing our issue and resolving it quickly. Very friendly, honest, and skilled at their craft.
Deidra Neal
I had an emergency for the second time this month - my enormous dog knocked an outdoor faucet off. Water shot up like a geyser, and I couldn't turn it off at the meter. Dodson Plumbing was here within 20 minutes of my call, and everything was fixed within the hour at such a reasonable cost that the unbudgeted repair didn't torpedo my bank account.Once again, I can't recommend Dodson Plumbing enough - EXCELLENT SERVICE.
Regulated by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
P.O. Box 4200 Austin, Tx, 78765-4200
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Our Services
New Construction
RO Systems
Water Softners